
All pedals and amps are original designs: no copies or clones of existing circuitry. Each pedal is hand-built and fully tested. All audio circuits are analogue (no digital signal processing). Switching and LFO circuits are digitally controlled. Circuit lay-outs are carefully designed to prevent digital noise from contaminating the audio signals.  


- Overdrive/distortion with gain, volume, treble and bass controls.

- Active bass boost and passive treble cut.

- Snappy switch: adds a sharper edge to your tone.

- Soft switching: no loud clicks. The analogue signal is fed through a digitally controlled relais, allowing for a silent momentary footswitch and keeping the pedal true bypass. 

- True bypass

- Built-in noise gate: hold down the footswitch for longer than 1 second to (de)activate the noise gate. Fast attack without 'fluffy' edges.

- Top LED indicates effect ON or OFF.  Bottom LED indicates noise gate ON or OFF.  

- 9VDC power supply (standard centre negative).

- LxWxH: 12cm x 6cm x 6cm (incl. knobs).

- 180 euro VAT incl.

Soundclip: Stratocaster -> Dapper Snapper -> clean amp. Recorded on an Edirol R-09 stereo mic wav/mp3 recorder. I added some delay to the recording, but did NO editing or equalizing. The pedal sounds like on the recording. Bass at 60%, treble at 50%, snappy switch on. 

Backing tracks: 'Orange Jam' en 'Too Cool for School' (


- Chopper effect.

- On/Off switch: momentary switch. Press down = effect on, release = effect off.

- Taptempo: tap the left footswitch 4 times to set the tempo. 

- Latching switching: pressing both switches down disables the momentary action and switches the effect on (bottom LED lights up). Press down both switches again to go back to normal mode. 

- Speed: manual adjustment of pulse speed. Taptempo speed is automatically deleted as soon as you turn the manual speed knob. Minimum manual pulse frequency is 0.3 Hz (speed at 0, multiplier on half notes), maximum frequency is 31 Hz (speed at max, multiplier on 16-ths).

- Multiplier: the speed knob or taptempo sets the bpm (quarter notes). The multiplier knob allows you to dial in an exact mulitple of the quarter note frequency: half notes (= 1/2 speed), quarter notes ( = speed), quarter note triplets (= 1,5 speed), eighths, triplets, sixteenths.

- Gap: adjust the duration of the pulses (the duty cycle). 

- Volume: adjusts the audio output volume to compensate for the perceived loss of overall volume when using short pulses. Up to +6db (= gain x2). This does not affect the volume in bypassed state.  

- Normal/Random switch: normal action or random pulses. In random mode you can't control the speed (or the multiplier). The Gap knob does allow you to control the intensity of the random pulses. 

- No true bypass: Stutterfly is a unity gain buffer switching in and out based on a pulsed control signal. In bypassed state the pedal functions as a non-inverting buffer.

- Frequency range 20Hz --> >20kHz. 

- Soft switching.

- Audiocircuit analogue, no DSP, pulses digitally generated. Digitally controlled switching. 

- Top LED indicates current tempo. Bottom LED indicates effect ON or OFF. 

- 9VDC power supply (standard centre negative).

- LxWxH: 11cm x 6cm x 5cm (incl. knobs).

- 180 euro VAT incl.

Soundclip: Stratocaster -> Stutterfly -> amp. Recorded on an Edirol R-09 stereo mic wav/mp3 recorder. I added some delay to the recording, but did NO editing or equalizing. The pedal sounds like on the recording  

ABY box

- Sends the input signal to two separate outputs A and B

- An active buffer circuit prevents any signal loss.

- OR switch: switches between the outputs. AND switch: switches both outputs on. 

- Output B is transformer-coupled, allowing you to electrically completely isolate this output from the rest of the circuit. 

- The left toggle switch allows you to lift output B from ground. These features provide all possible configurations to minimize any noise caused by ground loops when driving 2 amps. 

- The right toggle switch inverts the polarity of the signal at B, in case phase differences cause issues. 

- Soft switching: no loud clicks when you press the switches. 

- LEDs indicate active channels. 

- Frequency range of the isolated output B is minimum 40Hz --> >20kHz at signal levels up to 3Vpeak, which is way higher than normal non-boosted guitar or bass signals.  Signal distortion at normal signal levels starts below 30Hz, making it suitable for even a 5-string bass guitar. 

- 9VDC power supply

- LxWxH: 12cm x 9cm x 5.5cm (incl. switches).

- 180 euro VAT incl.

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